How to Turn Any Browser Window into a Notepad

When you're browsing the web, Notepads are awesome to jot down a quick one or two line note that doesn't need to be saved. You can turn any modern browser window into a text notepad and save the contents. It can even works on mobile browsers. 
How to Turn Any Browser Window into a Notepad

Here are some different ways to type text in notepad.

#1. Type this into your browser's location bar and hit enter. 

data:text/html, <html contenteditable>

Now click on the blank page below and type away. If you save the page, you'll get an HTML file that will open right back up in your browser with the text you had written.

Also See :  41 Tricks in PC/Internet, You didn't Know

#2. You can use and start typing right away. Leave it to the website to save your content for your content for you. 

#3. also makes a great note taking app and it's open source and work offline. 

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#4. Install Papier extension in your Google Chrome and type whatever on your mind in a new tab. Papier is clean, distraction free, and backs up anything you type in it to chrome.  It allows you to use keyboard shortcuts for emphasizing, underlining, italicizing, and striking through text.

Do you know any other extensions or websites to take notes in a browser tab? Let us know about them in the comments.