How to Remove Ads from Windows 10 Lock Screen

If you've upgraded your older version of Windows to new Windows 10 then you may have noticed ads appearing on your desktop or laptop's lock screen over the past couple of days. Windows 10 new feature Spotlight shows you clean and beautiful images and fun facts on your lock screen, but now started displaying ads to over 200 million devices running Windows 10. 

How to Remove Ads from Windows 10 Lock Screen

Some Windows 10 users have reported seeing ads for Square Enix's Rise of the Tomb Raider with links to Windows Store from where users can purchase the video game. Most people probably don't want to be hit in the face with a full screen advertisement for a video game before they even unlock their computer.  

How to Remove Ads from Windows 10 Lock Screen

Windows 10 that makes the Operating System unappealing to some users though it's not as annoying as the Windows 10 upgrade ads that appeared before the update, or the privacy concerns related to the way Microsoft collects personal data with Windows 10.

To remove Windows 10 lock screen ads, click on your Start menu > Settings > Personalization settings > Lock Screen tab. 

Windows 10 Lock Screen

Now find the field that reads "Windows Spotlight" and click on the box, you can switch to display either a "Picture" or "Slideshow" depend on your personal preference. This will disable Microsoft from automatically pushing ads to your login screen without your permission. 

Get the facts, tips, tricks, and more on your lock screen

Note : Make sure you turn off the "Get the facts, tips, tricks, and more on your lock screen".

If you like the ads on Windows 10 lock screen, you can tell Microsoft shows relevant ads by clicking the icon in the top right corner of your lock screen. Tick any of the two options "I want More" and "Not a Fan". 

Have you seen ads on your lock screen, what were the ads for? Did this solve the issue, lets us know in the comment box below!