How to Use Apple iCloud on Windows

Apple would like people to use its devices and platforms exclusively, but it does at least acknowledge the sheer number of windows users around the world. If you have a iPhone but use a Windows computer, then you gain a great deal more compatibility if you use iCloud. 

How to Use Apple iCloud on Windows
Using an iPhone or iPad and a Windows machine isn't at all uncommon, and as such iTunes and the core iCloud services are available on Windows. Thankfully, there exists an iCloud client for Windows, so you can sync your photos and manage your iCloud storage from your PC. 

How to install iCloud for Windows 
You can use the iCloud for Windows client so you'll have all your photos, mails, files and other important document available not only on your iPhone, but windows computer as well.

Download iCloud for Windows

  • Download the iCloud for windows and click on download file > Accept licence agreement > Install. 

  • Once installed, you have to sign into iCloud with your Apple ID and password. 

iCloud Login

  • Verify your identity by using phone number and enter the code that get in a text message.

  • You might get a message that you need to repair iCloud for windows to work with Outlook. You can repair the error immediately or repair later.

How to Use Apple iCloud on Windows Computer

Open the Start menu and navigate tot the iCloud Folder and open iCloud Application. You will be albe to turn your iCloud drive as well as Photos sync on or off by checking the box next to each. Choose options next to photos and you can choose what to sync, as well as where to store iCloud photos on your hard drive. 

iCloud Storage

iCloud will place a drive in File Explorer, which will give you fast access to your photos. The iCloud for winodws client will also place an icon in the system tray for easy access to iCloud.

If you want to sync your bookmarks for Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, you can choose to do so with the iCloud for Windows Client. Just install the iCloud Bookmarks extension for Chorme.

On the main interface screen, you can edit the "Account Details" button to manage your Apple ID and option in or out of sending anonymous diagnostic information to Apple.

Click the “Storage” button to manage your iCloud storage. 
Clicking on “Photo Library”, for example, will tell you how many photos and videos are stored in iCloud and how much space that its occupying. 

You can manage other aspects such as the documents stored inside Preview, which you can delete to free up a little space.

You can also access other aspects of iCloud such as your Calendar, Contacts, Keynote presentations and more. You will find all these links under the “iCloud” heading in the Start menu.