How to Reduce Internet Data Usage in Android Mobile Phone

Mobile Internet service providers companies are advertising unlimited data plans but in most cases they have a limit of 2GB.  Most of the user were surprised, when they get a sms "Mobile data is low", even they don't use huge amount of data on their Android Mobile Phone. There are many reasons like data hungry application installed in mobile, uploading high resolution images to Facebook, running background apps, auto-updating apps etc. 
How to Reduce Internet Data Usage in Android Mobile Phone
In Android mobile phone, thanks to plenty of data-restricting settings. With the proper configurations, you'll find yourself using data at a much slower rate. 

#1. Restrict Background Data

Background data means Internet data used by apps when you're not actually using an app such as email syncing, feeds updating, weather widgets and so on. To restrict background data in Android for all apps, go to Settings > Data Usage > Restrict Background Data or for individual apps in Settings > Apps (depending on which version of Android you have). 

You can also change your sync settings for Google services in Settings > Accounts > Google > select the account and then un-check the services you don't want to sync automatically.

Restrict Background Data in Android

#2. Compress Chrome Browser Pages

Just launch Chrome, tap the three dots in the top right corner, go to Settings and click on "Data Saver". This alone can save you 30-35% of your mobile browser data consumption.

 Compress Chrome Browser Pages in Android

#3. Update apps on Wi-Fi only

Go to Google Play Store, tap Settings > Auto-Update Apps tap either "Do not auto-update apps" or "Auto-update apps over Wi-Fi only". To manage individual apps, go to My Apps, select an app and then tap menu to check or un-check Auto-update.

Update apps on Wi-Fi only Android Settings

#4. Opera Browser Video Compression

If you're frequently watching video, simply download the Opera browser, go to Settings > Data Savings and tick the box that says "Video Compression". This setting not only saves you data, but also videos are more likely to load faster. 

#5. Download Opera Max

Opera Max encrypts data for all apps on your device when you’re connected to a mobile data network. Install the app and it will take over, routing all apps’ traffic through Opera’s servers so it can be compressed to save your data allowance.
Opera Max can also compress videos in addition to photos, web pages, and other types of data. 

This application also provides you with an overview of the apps using data and allows you to block them from using that precious data. This service is free, and is the best solution for compressing your Android phone’s data usage. To “recharge” Opera Max, you’re asked to occasionally watch an advertisement — that’s the price of a free service.

#6. Uninstall Facebook App

Facebook is one of the biggest consumers of data, so uninstall it. Just open Facebook in Chrome, open the overflow menu and select "Add to Home Screen". You can use this home shortcut to open the Facebook directly without using any app.

#7. Identify And Remove High Data Consuming Apps

Go to Settings > Data Usage, you can get a look at the apps which are consuming the most data both in the foreground and background. Just remove the apps which you don't find useful and consuming more data. 

#8. Avoid High Quality Streaming Content

Either you can store music and video into your mobile phone or stream video in low quality. Go to settings and set quality at lower rates likewise you can decrease resolution in YouTube and other video streaming apps.

#9. Cache or Preloaded Data

You can use an app like Pocket to save interesting web pages and access them later anytime you like without needing an Internet connection.

Fire up the Google Maps app when you’re connected to Wi-Fi and select the area you want to save then tap Menu > Make available offline or go to Maps > My Places > Offline and tap New offline map before selecting the area you want. You can also review your offline maps via Maps > My Places > Offline.

You can try Nokia's map to get a navigation that does offer offline turn by turn directions. 

#10. Download Gmail attachments on Wi-Fi

Google allows you to automatically download Gmail attachments over Wi-Fi. If you’re a daily user of the Gmail app, this toggle could help you save big on network data!

To enable this setting:

Gmail menu > Settings > > (Data Usage) Download attachments.

Download Gmail attachments on Wi-Fi in Android

#11. Disable Auto-Play Video on Facebook

To avoid unintentionally downloading these videos:

Facebook Left Navigational Panel > Settings > (General Settings) Auto-Play videos on Wi-Fi only 

Disable Auto-Play Video on Facebook in Android Phone

#12. Some More Tips
  • Use "YouTube offline" service whenever you want to watch a particular video multiple times.
  • Don't clear System Cache.
  • Stop using Task Killers because some task killers dump the cache of apps the kill.
  • Turn off Mobile Data when Not in use.
  • While streaming in youtube Ensure that you are watching videos in SD quality. follow this steps below to enable this setting. Touch Youtube Menu> Settings>General>Limit Mobile Data Usage> keep it Selected.
  • Download data in advance whenever you get free wi-fi.
Do you know, any other tips for reducing data usage on Android? Let us know in the comments.