How to Install Windows Media Center on Windows 10

Microsoft dropped Windows Media Center from its new OS, citing "decreased usage" as the reason it would no longer be available. In its place the software giant has released a DVD Player, but this is only free to some Windows 10 users. For others it costs $14.99, which is crazy considering it’s incredibly basic and there are much better free tools available.

Steps to Install Windows Media Center

1. First step is to download the zip file from here (MDL Forum). The file is around 54MB in size.

2. Extract the files in the zip to your PC. You will be able to see a file with name _TestRights. Right click on this file and select Run as Administrator.

3. It opens a command windows and executes commands. In case you are not able to see this command window, you need to restart PC and try it again.

4. Next step is to right click on the Installer file and run as administrator. This will install Windows Media Center on your PC.

5. Once you have completed the installation, you will be able to access Windows Media Center from the start menu.

There is also an uninstaller file available, so in case you want to uninstall it, you can use this option.

If you get a decoder error when trying to play live TV you will need to install the LAV Filters from here.