How to Get Facebook App ID and Secret Key

After creating a Facebook page where we will pull our data, we have to create an app to get an appId and app Secret keys. Those keys are required to use the Facebook PHP SDK and do our queries like pulling Facebook photos, events, videos, and feeds. In order to get an App ID and Secret Key from Facebook, you’ll need to register a new application. Don’t worry – its very easy, and your application doesn’t need to do anything. 

To get Facebook App ID and Secret Key, their are simple steps that can be followed by anyone without the requirement of being a developer.If you are configuring a Facebook related Wordpress Plugin or using a 3rd party app which require Facebok Secret key and ID, this tutorial would be great helpful.

How to Get Facebook App ID and Secret Key

 1. Visit Facebook Developer Page and login to your FB Account.

2. click the Green "Add a New App" button in the top right.

3. Select a platform to get started from iOS, Android, Facebook Canvas and Website.

4. Click on Website platform for your App.

5. Create New Facebook App Id and click. On the next page click on Skip at the top right and you will be taken to your created App page, where you can retrieve your app id & secret key.

6. Click on show in front of App secret, and you need to enter your Facebook account password to see the App secret key.

7. Now copy-paste the App ID & App secret values in the plugin or tool that you are configuring.

Video : How to Get FB App ID and Secret Key