Remove Text Ads from Gmail Account

Are you tired of seeing text based advertisements when checking your Gmail account ? Targeted ads can be extremely distracting, not least of which because it's a remainder that the big G is scanning your email. 

Remove Text Ads from Gmail Account

So here you can find how to use Firefox to hide the ads from displaying.

1. Adding CSS file in Firefox : This trick uses CSS and the Firefox configuration file named userContent.css. I would recommend that you Install an extension named ChromeEdit that simplifies the process of modifying your Firefox configuration files.

Note : You'll need to restart your browser after installation, so you may want to bookmark this page.

Now that you have CromeEdit installed, click on the Firefox Tools menu and then click on the menu item labeled Edit User Files. A new window will appear that has five tabs across the top. Click on the tab that is labeled userContent.css. Next copy the CSS code below and paste it into the userContent.css file, then click the Save button.

#rh table[class=”metatable”]{display: none !important;}
#rh div[class=”c”] {display: none !important;}

Now, restart your browser and open GMail – the ads are gone!

A word of caution, we are only hiding the ads from displaying. They are actually still there, just not visible. This means that Google is still indexing your email messages to provide you with “targetted ads”.

2. Opt Out : First go to the Ad Settings page. Scroll down until you find where it says "Opt-out settings."

A box will appear, warning you of all the things you'll miss out on by opting out of what Google calls "interest-based ads." You'll still be getting ads, but they won't be based on your interests. If you'd still like to go ahead, click "Opt out."

There's also a text-based banner ad at the top of your Gmail inbox. It's hardly noticeable, but there is a way to get rid of it. Click on the gear icon and go to Settings.Click on the "Web clips" tab, and then uncheck the box that says "Show my web clips above my inbox."