How to Backup Your Blogger Blog and Template

one of the best free blogging platform is Google Blogger and it comes with many limitations. One of the biggest limitation is, Google own the control of your blog. If your blog violate any policy of BlogSpot TOS, Google have right to delete your blog at any point of time. 

So follow Google BlogSpot guidelines and take a periodic backup of your BlogSpot blog. This will ensure that if something goes wrong with your blog in the future, you can restore your data and posts.

With "Export Blog" you can easily create a complete backup of your Blogger blog on the Hard drive, Google Drive, Dropbox or any other Cloud service.

How to Backup your Blogger Blog

Login to your blogger dashboard and choose settings > Other. Here you'll see an option that says "Export Blog" > click the link and it will download a copy of your blog post and comment to the hard drive in Atom (XML) format.


How to Backup your Blog Template

If you would like to save a copy of your Blogger template or Theme, Log In to your Blogger dashboard > choose template and click the Backup button in the top right corner. This will download the full template in the XML format and you can restore blogger template if something going wrong while playing with template code or you made some blunder.

Do let me know what methods you are using to take backup of your blogger blog and template ?.