How to Add a Contact Form in Blogger Blog

Most of the blog don't have a contact form which is highly important for website or blog. Adding a contact form to Blogger can be done with a few coding tweaks. You can see contact form offered by Blogger in add a Gadget popup but unfortunately they've made it as a Gadget and placed it on the Layout page so that it is added to your sidebar. 

How to Add a Contact Form in Blogger Blog
To add contact form in your blog follow the procedure. Login to your Blogger account and click on Pages > Blank Page. Create a new page in your blog with page title "Contact Us". 

You have to switch to the HTML mode and paste the following code and replace blogger ID (like 6655176397219971080) . You can find your blogger ID on the URL bar of your browser when you are on any page of blog's dashboard.  Now click on Options and disable Readers comments by tick on "Don't allow, Hide Existing" . 

Once the page is published, go to this new page fill out the contact form, click on the send button and verify that it sends out the email to all the Blog admins.