How to Capture a Screenshot in Windows 10

A Screenshot, Screen Capture or Screen dump is a image taken by a person to record the visible items displayed on the PC or Laptop screen. You can take a screenshot on any platform like Windows, Mac, Android, Linux and share it with your friends or family. 

How to Capture a Screenshot in Windows 10

In this article, I'll show you a few different ways to taken a screenshot in Windows 10. 

Use Print Screen to capture Screenshot

The print screen button may be labeled as PrtScn, PrtScrn or Print Scr and found between F12 and Scroll Lock. On laptop keyboards, you may have to press the "Function" or "Fn" key to access the Print Screen Feature. When you press the key, it will look like nothing happened, but the screenshot has been saved to your clipboard.

 1. Save Screenshot as a File :  Press the "Windows Logo Key + PrtScn" to capture and save screenshot as a file. The screen will dim for a moment and you will see the screenshot appear as a file in a folder entitled "Screenshots" inside your default "Picture" folder.

To take screenshot in tablet, press the "Windows Logo button + volume down button" and in laptops, press the "Windows logo key + Ctrl + PrtScn" or " Windows logo key + Fn + PrtScn".

2. Take a Screenshot without Saving : Press the "PrtScn" key to capture a screenshot of your display and it will copied to the clipboard. Open your favorite image editor and choose Edit > Paste to paste the screenshot wherever you like.

Note : On laptops, you may need to press the "Alt + Fn + PrtScn" keys instead.

Take Screenshot by Using Snipping Tool

Windows 10 have a Snipping Tool option with which you can capture a snapshot. The snapshots are saved as PNG formats but it also gives the option to save it as GIF, HTML or JPEG format. To open the Snipping Tool, just type snipping in start menu and you can see the desktop app. Once the app opens, you can click New to start capturing a screenshot. There are four different options to capture screenshots in Snipping Tool given below. 

  • Free-form Snip : Draw any shape around an object with your finger, mouse, or tablet pen.
  • Rectangular Snip : Drag the cursor around an object to form a rectangle.
  • Window Snip : Choose a window—like a browser window or a dialog box.
  • Full-screen Snip : Capture the entire screen.
After you create the snip, you can draw on it with the built in pens, save it, copy it or email it to someone.
In Windows 10 Snipping Tool, there is an option to set a delay time before the actual capture is done. This "Delay" option allow you to capture screenshots pop-up menus and tool tips.  

Snipping Tool Delay in Windows 10
 If you don't find Snipping Tool on the Start Menu, then you should Rebuild your index. To rebuild the Windows Search index, go to Control Panel > Indexing Options > Click the Advanced button and make sure that you're on the Index Setting tab of the Advanced Options window.

Find Snipping Tool in Windows 10

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