How to Enable God Mode in Window 10

GodMode was first discovered in Windows 7 as a hidden feature and when enabled, it could provide access all control panel options in single folder. Basically, the ‘GodMode’ is a folder which has a special name to it and provides access to all the control panel settings in single page. This is pretty useful as you do not have to search for options in control panel and you get quick access.

How to Enable God Mode in Window 10

GodMode feature is also available in Windows 10 and you can enable it by creating a new folder.

Right click on desktop and click create new folder. Now in the name for the folder type the following code.


Press enter and this will turn the folder in GodMode. Now open the folder and you will see all the control panel items.

You can see that the folder has an icon of the control panel. In the code above, you can replace the ‘GodMode’ with your text, but the rest of the code should be intact.