How to Watch Adult Videos on YouTube without Logging In

Some videos on YouTube that contain either nudity, explicit language or violence are put under the 18+ category. You can't watch these videos without sign in to your YouTube account.

Watch Adult Videos on YouTube without Logging In

Note : You will not get any adult videos on YouTube search results if you turn on Safety Mode.
If you don't have a Google account or if don't want to log in to YouTube just for watching a video clip that has been flagged as potentially, age restricted. You can still watch the video without signing in or conforming your age. Just use these little URL tricks.

1. If you remove the "watch?" and replace the "=" with a "/", you'll get a link that goes directly to the video without the rest of the YouTube site and it'll play full width in your browser. 

YouTube URL looks like this

 Change it as

2.  Instead of adding watch_popup, take a ID of the YouTube video and replace it in the following URL

This trick doesn't work for videos that have the embed option as disabled.

3. you can add "nsfw" before the portion of the link like this.

How to Monitor Your Windows PC by WinPatrol

Whether you are on your computer or not, as long as it is on and connected to the internet, it is at constant threat of harms, infection and the other turmoil of using the internet. WinPatrol boasts being one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal against threats while at the same time using the least amount of system memory. WinPatrol helps you monitor changes to your computer by keeping a watch on all the critical parameters. If some program tries to add a startup entry – or remove it, or if some software tries to change your default search or browsers settings, it will immediately bark and alert you.

Monitor Your Windows PC by WinPatrol

There are two options to choose from when you download WinPatrol as with most programs online, the free, and the paid version. For the purposes of this article, we will focus on using the free version to monitor changes on your computer.Download the installation file from WinPatrol Page and install it. 

You will notice that the home screen for this program offers 14 different tabs with monitoring functions of which three are only available with the PLUS version.

Here are some excellent Winpatrol alternatives that frequently used by Consumers. You can use Emsisoft Anti-Malware, AnVir Task Manager, Process Hacker, Free Extended Task Manager and Task Manager DeLuxe.

How to Use WinPatrol to Monitor Windows PC for Changes

WinPatrol free offers a variety of options for you to monitor, change and work with. 

1. Startup Program : From the “Startup Programs” tab, you can monitor the programs that turn on when you start up your machine. To enable or disable any item that is currently in the list, simply click on the entry then click the enable or disable button. The orange arrow shows a box that, when ticked, will make WinPatrol to check for any changes to the startup programs.By clicking on the pink arrow, on the small clock icon, you will be able to change how often WinPatrol checks for these changes. I recommend that you leave it at two minutes, which is the default. 

WinPatrol Startup Programs

If a new entry is added, such as when you install a program, you will be asked whether or not this task has permission to start with windows. You can either accept or reject the change from this window. You can also open the folder where the executable file is located or view the file’s properties. If you did not install a program or recognize the change, it is safest to reject the change. Since this is just a startup notification, it will not uninstall the program, just prevent it from automatically turning on.

WinPatrol Alert

 2. Scheduled Tasks 1.0 : This tab is where you can see any tasks that are scheduled to run on your computer. If you select an item and press the “info” button, you will also see any information related to the program’s schedule. To change how frequently WinPatrol checks for changes to this section, just press the stopwatch and change the timer.

3. Services : The services tab will show you a list of all the services on your computer that are running and stopped. You will also see details about the startup settings, executable name, and the company that it comes from. To change how frequently WinPatrol checks for changes to this section, just press the stopwatch and change the timer.
4. Cookies : On the cookies tab you can search for, and remove, cookies with specific text in their titles. This helps you to filter out cookies that you don’t want to keep on your computer. You can also select which browser you want to search and whether you want to remove them. For example, if you type the word “Facebook” in the “Add” section, you can prevent the selected browser (Mozilla Firefox) from storing them.

WinPatrol Cookies

5. Recent : If you happen to know that you had a recent malware infection and you need to ensure that all residual traces of the program have been removed, you can use the “Recent” tab. This will show you a list of all programs and processes that were recently active. You can select any item in the list and kill the task. Before or after killing the task, you can right click on the item and select “Delete on Reboot” to delete all traces of the program the next time you start your computer.

6. Options : The options tab will present you with several report functions which you will see on the right side of the screen. On the left, you can click on the two stopwatches to edit the time it takes before the corresponding actions take place.

WinPatrol Options

If you click on the “Repair and rest tools,” you will be taken to a new popup screen with several other tasks to choose from. These are user tools to undo changes, cleanup specific areas of the program, and delete any files that have been deleted with WinPatrol.

WinPatrol Maintenance and Reset Tools

Is WinPatrol a good guard for your system when you’re not?

If you choose to use WinPatrol, get ready for a whirlwind of learning about just what goes on with your computer, especially in the background. WinPatrol gives you access to just about every area Windows would rather you stay out of. This gives you control over things that may be affecting your system performance that you have no idea was happening. Giving WinPatrol a shot is another way to take control of your PC instead of it controlling you and what you do when logged on.

How to Fix ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED Error in Google Chrome

Google Chrome is one of the most popular web browsers on almost all platforms and it is widely used across the globe. While browsing the Internet on Chrome, you might have seen multiple issues with page loads and error loading pages. If you are using Google Chrome and encountered this error, ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED code, it could be quite annoying to browse the internet.

But this error can be fixed easily using the steps mentioned below. We have compiled a list of options you can try out to fix this issue.

How to Fix ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED Error in Google Chrome

1. This error can happen if you have enabled Prefetch option in Chrome. Prefetch is an option in Chrome settings which enables loading of pages more quickly. In case you have enabled this in Chrome> Settings > Show advanced settings> Under Privacy, uncheck the option “Prefetch resources to load page more quickly”. Once you uncheck this, the issue with DNS would be solved.

In case this does not work, move to step 2.

Chrome Settings
2. Open command prompt on your Windows (Run command-> Cmd and press enter). Now type ipconfig /flushdns and press enter. This will flush the DNS resolver cache.

Command Prompt

3. If the issue still exist on your PC, open a new tab and type chrome://net-internals/#dns. Now this will show an option to clear host cache. Hit the button and clear the cache.

Clear Host Cache

4. One of the above steps should ideally solve the issue, but in case you are still having the issue, you might have to reset the Chrome to default settings or even uninstall and reinstall it back. You can also try changing the DNS server for your IP to Google DNS or Open DNS.

How to Use Apple iCloud on Windows

Apple would like people to use its devices and platforms exclusively, but it does at least acknowledge the sheer number of windows users around the world. If you have a iPhone but use a Windows computer, then you gain a great deal more compatibility if you use iCloud. 

How to Use Apple iCloud on Windows
Using an iPhone or iPad and a Windows machine isn't at all uncommon, and as such iTunes and the core iCloud services are available on Windows. Thankfully, there exists an iCloud client for Windows, so you can sync your photos and manage your iCloud storage from your PC. 

How to install iCloud for Windows 
You can use the iCloud for Windows client so you'll have all your photos, mails, files and other important document available not only on your iPhone, but windows computer as well.

Download iCloud for Windows

  • Download the iCloud for windows and click on download file > Accept licence agreement > Install. 

  • Once installed, you have to sign into iCloud with your Apple ID and password. 

iCloud Login

  • Verify your identity by using phone number and enter the code that get in a text message.

  • You might get a message that you need to repair iCloud for windows to work with Outlook. You can repair the error immediately or repair later.

How to Use Apple iCloud on Windows Computer

Open the Start menu and navigate tot the iCloud Folder and open iCloud Application. You will be albe to turn your iCloud drive as well as Photos sync on or off by checking the box next to each. Choose options next to photos and you can choose what to sync, as well as where to store iCloud photos on your hard drive. 

iCloud Storage

iCloud will place a drive in File Explorer, which will give you fast access to your photos. The iCloud for winodws client will also place an icon in the system tray for easy access to iCloud.

If you want to sync your bookmarks for Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, you can choose to do so with the iCloud for Windows Client. Just install the iCloud Bookmarks extension for Chorme.

On the main interface screen, you can edit the "Account Details" button to manage your Apple ID and option in or out of sending anonymous diagnostic information to Apple.

Click the “Storage” button to manage your iCloud storage. 
Clicking on “Photo Library”, for example, will tell you how many photos and videos are stored in iCloud and how much space that its occupying. 

You can manage other aspects such as the documents stored inside Preview, which you can delete to free up a little space.

You can also access other aspects of iCloud such as your Calendar, Contacts, Keynote presentations and more. You will find all these links under the “iCloud” heading in the Start menu.

How to Get Google Adsense Approved Account

Google Adsense program is one of the best resource for earning a huge amount of money from your blogs, Websites, You Tube videos and many more. Google Adsense is trusted by many Advertisers and Publishers from the past few years and usually they never accept anyone randomly who is trying to apply for an account. You need to show them the most professional approach of getting your account accepted, else Google will simply through your application aside. 

Did you know, it was June 18, 2003 when Google launched advertising monetization program named Google Adsense which has now grown to include over 2.5 million publisher. Statistics say that Google Adsense accepts only 3 accounts of every 1000 application they received each day. Now come to the point that How to get Google Adsense Approval for your Blog or Website. Follow these simple guidelines to get your own Google Adsense Account.

How to Participate in Google Adsense Program

There are some basic requirement for eligibility to participate in Google Adsense online program which has been briefly discussed here

1. Google Gmail Account : Create a Gmail account needed to sign in to Adsense. You should always be careful while providing your personal details like Full Name, Age and address etc. because if you provide wrong information, Your application for Adsense might be rejected by Google Adsense team.

2. Age Requirement : In accordance with the AdSense Terms and Conditions, applicants must be at least 18 years of age.

3. Blog or Website : It is compulsory to have your own site or blog so that you can access the HTML source code to place the AdSense Ad Units code which displays Ads on your site.

4. Website/Blog Age : Google AdSense has specified that the Indian and Chinese AdSense Publishers required to have owned their sites for at least 6 months. Accordingly, except India and China, there is no any minimum age obligation for either blogger blog or website to participate in Google AdSense Program.

5. Language : AdSense Program is not available for all languages including HINDI (supports w.e.f. Dec 2014), Bengali, Gujarati, Panjabi, Telugu, Afrikaans, Irish, Latin etc. and therefore the primary language of your site must be in the AdSense supported languages.

6. Traffic Sources : Your blog/site traffics must come from the genuine sources. In other words, if you got the visitors through Search Engines, Social media and feed subscribers then it is good for the AdSense approval. Further, if your blog is not receiving at least 50+ unique visitors per day then please wait for some time to get more traffics on your site and then apply.

How to Get Google Adsense Approved Account

So before getting started, make sure you achieve basic requirement for eligibility for participate in Google Adsense Program. Remember that everything which i mentioned below counts. Don't compromise on number of posts, own domain, good design and other metrics, else the chance of rejection is higher at your end.

So here are most important guidelines to follow before applying to Google Adsense.

1. Minimum Posts/Articles/Pages : Make sure that your website or blog has atleast 40 Quality articles with minimum 800 words on each article which are not copied from anywhere else. Your content on the articles should be extremely rich and make sure you use relevant images where ever required.

2. Prohibited Website Niches : Google will take your application as a serious offense if your website contain any of the prohibited content mentioned in Google Adsense Policy. Make sure your blog don't based on the prohibited content. Your account will go through a faster approval process if you have more quality articles on Health, Internet Marketing, Business, Law, Technology, Entrepreneurship, Travel, Lifestyle and Social Media. 

3. No Third Party Ads or Program : Before applying to AdSense, make sure you don’t allow or place any other third party banner ad code on your website. Google (employees) will strictly look into your website manually and they hate seeing some third party ads installed in your website. Stay away from any Third party ads like Infolinks, Chitika etc and Affiliated link such as Hosting Program, Amazon affiliates until your account is approved. 

4. Website Design and User Experience : Google always want their users to get the best experience while browsing through any website they refer. Maintaining a clean design with good navigation and user experience will boost your chances of getting AdSense approved in the first attempt itself.

5. Google Analytics Code : Adding Analytics onto your website show that you are actively tracking your visitors and is much serious about the statistics of your users who visit your website. If you haven’t created one, Sign Up for Google Analytics. Once registered, get your tracking code by creating new account under the accounts tab and enter your website name, URL and other required details. Place the code on each page of your website to track the data instantly. 

6. Google Webmaster Verification Page : With Google Webmaster Tools, you can track your website critical errors and fix them on a daily basis. Click here to register and click on “Add a Site” to enter your website URL. Verify your website ownership through any of the recommended method and complete the process to keep your account functioning actively.

7. XML Sitemap Page : Creating a sitemap doesn’t take too much of your time. If you are using WordPress, I recommend Google XML Sitemaps By Arne Brachhold. And if you are using any other platform, I recommend you to checkout XML-Sitemaps website for more info. Installing a sitemap on your website can help search engine bots to index your website faster, which is again a trust factor to bots about the website trustworthiness.

8. Robots.txt : Creating Robots.txt file on your website will get rid of indexing unwanted junk onto Google. It restricted all the unwanted data indexation to search engines, which adds a lot of value to your Search Engine Optimization efforts of ranking the pages higher on Google. 

9. Alexa Rank : Before applying to AdSense, make sure your website global Alexa ranking is less than 400K for faster approval process. Usually the website above this rank is considered to be new and underestimated that no much data is seen on them.

10. Important Pages : Google wants to know your identity before you sign up to their Adsense Program. So make sure you create the following pages on your websites as soon as possible like Privacy Policy, Disclaimer Policy, Terms of Usage, Contact Us and About Us.

11. Custom Domain and Email ID : Google Adsense team take a custom domain more seriously rather than the free domain name create through blogspot and free wordpress platforms.

12. Decent Traffic : Let your blog age a few weeks (Atleast 2 months) before you rush to apply the AdSense program. I would always recommend you to stay until your website get a minimum of 50+ visitors per day. If your website is not getting enough traffic, the chances of rejection is much higher when compared to other guidelines.

Once your website is ready with all these above guidelines, click here to apply to adsense, and make sure you have gone through the Google AdSense TOC for more information on the program.

How to Free Up Hard disk Space on Windows

Cluster can be a big downer on productivity for your computer. Files get lost, program go unused and little by little various nooks and crannies in your computer are taken up by stray bits of data. It true whether you have a Gigantic Hard drive quickly filling up with application, movies and photos.

If you're hurting for Hard drive space, these tricks should help you free up space for important files and program by removing the unimportant junk cluttering up your Hard disk.

1. Run Disk Cleanup : Windows includes a built in tool that delete temporary files and other unimportant data. To access it, Right Click one of your Hard drive in the computer window and select properties. Click the Disk cleanup and select the types of files you want to delete and click ok. This includes temporary files, log files, files in your recycle bin and other unimportant files.

You can also clean up system files by click on More options button and use the Clean up button under System Restore and Shadow copies to delete system restore data.

2. Uninstall Space Hungry Application : Remove unnecessary files from your PC to free disk space. From the Programs and Features control panel, you can click the Size column to see just how much space each program installed on your computer is using. Either you can search for "Uninstall Programs" in the Start Menu or Control Panel > Uninstall a Program.

3. Analyze Disk Space : You can use a Hard disk analysis program to find out exactly which files or program using space on your Hard drive. After scanning your system, WinDirStat shows you exactly which folders, file types, and files are using the most space. Ensure you don’t delete any important system files – only delete personal data files. 

If you see a program’s folder in the Program Files folder using a large amount of space, you can uninstall that program – WinDirStat can tell you just how much space a program is using, even if the Programs and Features Control Panel doesn’t.

4. Clean Temporary Files : Windows’ Disk Cleanup tool is useful, but it doesn’t delete temporary files used by other programs. For example, it won’t clear Firefox or Chrome browser caches, which can use gigabytes of hard disk space.

CCleaner cleans junk files from a variety of third-party programs and also cleans up Windows files that Disk Cleanup won’t touch.

5. Find Duplicate files : You can use a duplicate-file-finder application to scan your hard drive for duplicate files, which are unnecessary and can be deleted. Try dupeGuru – the free version can only delete or move up to ten files at once, but it will show you what duplicate files are cluttering up your hard drive.

6. Nuclear Options : These tricks will definitely save some space, but they’ll disable important Windows features. We don’t recommend using any of them, but if you desperately need disk space, they can help:
  • Disable Hibernation – When you hibernate your system, it saves the contents of its RAM to your hard drive. This allows it to save its system state without any power usage – the next time you boot your computer, you’ll be back where you left of. Windows saves the contents of your RAM in the C:\hiberfil.sys file. To save hard drive space, you can disable hibernate entirely, which removes the file.
  • Disable System Restore – If reducing the amount of space System Restore uses isn’t good enough for you, you can disable System Restore entirely. You’ll be out-of-luck if you need to use System Restore to restore your system to an earlier state, so be warned.
If system Restore is eating up a lot of hard drive space for restore points, you can reduce the amount of hard disk space allocated to System Restore. Start by Right clicking on the computer icon from start menu. Click on Properties > System Protection > Configure. Now tick Restore system settings and previous versions of files and adjust the max usage.

Biggest Library of Windows Shortcut

We have created the biggest library of Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 shortcuts. We have almost everything you need and we are willing to expand our collection, which now includes 139 shortcuts for Windows 7, 137 shortcuts for Windows 8.1 and 172 shortcuts for Windows 10. They are created in such a way that they will all work on each and every Windows computer.  

The collection was made using Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows 8.1 Pro and Windows 10 Professional.

Shortcuts For Windows 7

In the Windows 7 folder you will find the following shortcuts:

  • Administration Tools - Computer Management, Computer, Control Panel, Disk Cleanup, Disk Derangement, Event Viewer, Indexing Options, Performance Information and Tools, Services, System Configuration, System Restore, Windows Easy Transfer, Windows Firewall with Advanced Security and Windows Memory Diagnostic.
  • Appearance and Personalization - Adjust screen resolution, Aero Transparency Off, Aero Transparency On, Change desktop background, Color Management, Desktop Icon Settings, Desktop Personalization, Display Settings, Folder Options, Fonts, Notification Area Icons, Screen Saver Settings and Taskbar and Start Menu.
  • Clock, Language, and Region - Date and Time and Region and Language.
  • Ease of Access - Ease of Access, Magnifier, Narrator, On-Screen Keyboard and Speech Recognition.
  • Hardware and Sound - Add a Device Wizard, AutoPlay, Device Manager, Devices and Printers, Keyboard, Location Settings, Mouse, Power Options and Sound.
  • Network and Internet - Advanced sharing settings, Homegroup, Internet Explorer InPrivate, Internet Explorer, Internet Options, Manage wireless networks, Network and Sharing Center, Network, View network connections.
  • Productivity Shortcuts - Clear the Clipboard, Recycle Bin, Shut Down Windows, Volume Mixer and Windows Mobility Center.
  • Programs - Add or remove programs, Calculator, Character Map, Command Prompt, Default Programs, Desktop Gadgets, Math Input Panel, Notepad, Paint, Private Character Editor, Remote Assistance, Remote Desktop Connection, Run, Snipping Tool, Sound Recorder, Sticky Notes, Sync Center, Task Manager (All Users), Task Scheduler, Windows DVD Maker, Windows Explorer, Windows Fax and Scan, Windows Media Center, Windows Media Player, Wordpad and XPS Viewer.
  • Shut Down Menu - Hibernate, Lock - Switch User, Log Off, Restart, Shut Down, Sleep and Stop Shut Down.
  • System and Security - Action Center, Administrative Tools, Backup and Restore
  • BitLocker Drive Encryption, Microsoft Security Essentials Scan, Microsoft Security Essentials Update, Microsoft Security Essentials, System Information, System Properties, Windows Anytime Upgrade, Windows Defender Scan, Windows Defender Update, Windows Defender, Windows Firewall - Disable, Windows Firewall - Enable, Windows Firewall and Windows Update.
  • Tablet PC - Personalize Handwriting Recognition, Tablet PC Input Panel and Windows Journal.
  • Troubleshooting - Aero Troubleshoot, Audio Playing Troubleshoot, Audio Recording Troubleshoot, DirectX Diagnostic Tool, Hardware & Devices Troubleshoot, HomeGroup Troubleshoot, Incoming Connections Troubleshoot, Internet Connections Troubleshoot, Internet Explorer Performance Troubleshoot, Internet Explorer Safety Troubleshoot, Network Adapter Troubleshoot, Performance Monitor, Performance Troubleshoot, Power Troubleshoot, Printing Troubleshoot, Resource Monitor, Shared Files & Folders Troubleshoot, System Maintenance Troubleshoot, Windows Media Player DVD Troubleshoot, Windows Media Player Library Troubleshoot, Windows Media Player Settings Troubleshoot and Windows Troubleshooting Tools.
  • User Accounts and Family Safety - Credential Manager, Parental Controls and User Accounts.
  • Windows PowerShell - Windows PowerShell (x86), Windows PowerShell ISE (x86), Windows PowerShell ISE and Windows PowerShell.

Shortcuts For Windows 8.1

Inside the Windows 8.1 folder you will find the following shortcuts:

  • Administration Tools - Computer Management, Computer, Control Panel, Disk Cleanup, Disk Derangement, Event Viewer, Indexing Options, Performance Information and Tools, Print Management, Services, System Configuration, System Restore, Windows Easy Transfer, Windows Firewall with Advanced Security and Windows Memory Diagnostic.
  • Appearance and Personalization - Adjust screen resolution, Change desktop background, Color Management, Desktop Icon Settings, Desktop Personalization, Display Settings, Folder Options, Fonts, Notification Area Icons, Screen Saver Settings and Taskbar Properties.
  • Clock, Language, and Region - Date and Time, Language and Region and Language.
  • Ease of Access - Ease of Access, Magnifier, Narrator, On-Screen Keyboard and Speech Recognition.
  • Hardware and Sound - Add a Device Wizard, AutoPlay, Device Manager, Devices and Printers, Keyboard, Location Settings, Mouse, Power Options and Sound.
  • Network and Internet - Advanced sharing settings, Homegroup, Internet Explorer InPrivate, Internet Explorer, Internet Options, Network and Sharing Center, Network and View network connections.
  • Productivity Shortcuts - Clear the Clipboard, PC_Settings, Recycle Bin, Show Start, Shut Down Windows, Volume Mixer and Windows Mobility Center.
  • Programs - Add or remove programs, Calculator, Character Map, Command Prompt, Default Programs, File Explorer, Math Input Panel, Notepad, Paint, Private Character Editor, Remote Assistance, Remote Desktop Connection, Run, Snipping Tool, Sound Recorder, Sticky Notes, Sync Center, Task Manager (All Users), Task Scheduler, Windows Fax and Scan, Windows Media Center, Windows Media Player, Wordpad and XPS Viewer.
  • Shut Down Menu - Hibernate, Lock - Switch User, Log Off, Restart, Shut Down, Sleep and Stop Shut Down.
  • System and Security - Action Center, Add features to Windows 8.1, Administrative Tools, Backup and Restore, BitLocker Drive Encryption, File History, Storage Spaces, System Information, System Properties, Windows Defender Scan, Windows Defender Update, Windows Defender, Windows Firewall - Disable, Windows Firewall - Enable, Windows Firewall and Windows Update.
  • Tablet PC - Personalize Handwriting Recognition, Tablet PC Input Panel and Windows Journal.
  • Troubleshooting - Aero Troubleshoot, Audio Playing Troubleshoot, Audio Recording Troubleshoot, DirectX Diagnostic Tool, Hardware & Devices Troubleshoot, HomeGroup Troubleshoot, Incoming Connections Troubleshoot, Internet Connections Troubleshoot, Internet Explorer Performance Troubleshoot, Internet Explorer Safety Troubleshoot, Network Adapter Troubleshoot, Performance Monitor, Performance Troubleshoot, Power Troubleshoot, Printing Troubleshoot, Resource Monitor, Shared Files & Folders Troubleshoot, System Maintenance Troubleshoot, Windows Media Player DVD Troubleshoot, Windows Media Player Library Troubleshoot, Windows Media Player Settings Troubleshoot and Windows Troubleshooting Tools.
  • User Accounts and Family Safety - Credential Manager, Family Safety and User Accounts.
  • Windows PowerShell - Windows PowerShell (x86), Windows PowerShell ISE (x86), Windows PowerShell ISE and Windows PowerShell.

Shortcuts For Windows 10

Inside the Windows 10 folder you will find the following shortcuts:

  • Administration Tools - Computer Management, Control Panel, Disk Cleanup, Disk Defragmenter, Event Viewer, Indexing Options, Memory Diagnostics Tool, Services, System Configuration, System Restore, System, This PC and Windows Firewall with Advanced Security.
  • Appearance and Personalization - ClearType Text Tuner, Color Management, Desktop background, Desktop Icon Settings, Display Color Calibration, Display Settings, File Explorer Options, Fonts, Notification Area Icons, Personalization, Project - Display Switch, Screen resolution, Screen Saver Settings and Taskbar and Start Menu Properties.
  • Clock, Language, and Region - Date and Time, Language, Region.
  • Ease of Access - Ease of Access Center, Magnifier, Narrator, On-Screen Keyboard and Speech Recognition.
  • Hardware and Sound - Add a Device Wizard, AutoPlay, Device Manager, Devices and Printers, Keyboard Properties, Mouse Properties, Power Options and Sound.
  • Network and Internet - Advanced sharing settings, Homegroup, Internet Explorer InPrivate, Internet Explorer, Internet Properties, Microsoft Edge, Network and Sharing Center, Network connections and Network.
  • Productivity Shortcuts - Clear the Clipboard, Recycle Bin, Settings, Show Desktop, Show Start, Shut Down Windows, Volume Mixer and Windows Mobility Center.
  • Programs - Calculator, Character Map, Command Prompt, Default Apps, Default Programs, Devices, File Explorer, Math Input Panel, Notepad, Paint, Private Character Editor, Programs and Features, Remote Desktop Connection, Run, Snipping Tool, Sticky Notes, Sync Center, Task Manager, Task Scheduler, Turn Windows Features On or Off, Windows Fax and Scan, Windows Media Player, Windows Remote Assistance, Wordpad and XPS Viewer.
  • Shut Down Menu - Hibernate, Lock - Switch User, Log Off, Reboot And Go To Advanced Startup Options Screen, Restart, Shut Down, Sleep, Slide To Shut Down and Stop Shut Down.
  • System and Security - About Windows, Administrative Tools, Backup and Restore, Device Encryption, File History, Manage Work Folders, Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool, Optional Features, Recovery Media Creator, Security and Maintenance, SmartScreen Settings, Storage Spaces, System Information, System Properties, User Account Control Settings, Windows Defender Scan, Windows Defender Update, Windows Defender, Windows Firewall - Disable, Windows Firewall - Enable, Windows Firewall and Windows Update.
  • Tablet PC - Handwriting Recognition Personalization, Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel and Windows Journal.
  • Troubleshooting - Aero Troubleshoot, DirectX Diagnostic Tool, Hardware & Devices Troubleshoot, HomeGroup Troubleshoot, Incoming Connections Troubleshoot, Internet Connections Troubleshoot, Internet Explorer Performance Troubleshoot, Internet Explorer Safety Troubleshoot, Network Adapter Troubleshoot, Performance Monitor, Performance Troubleshoot, Playing Audio Troubleshoot, Power Troubleshoot, Printer Troubleshoot, Recording Audio Troubleshoot, Resource Monitor, Shared Folders Troubleshoot, Steps Recorder, System Maintenance Troubleshoot, Windows Media Player DVD Troubleshoot and Windows Media Player Library Troubleshoot, Windows Media Player Settings Troubleshoot and Windows Troubleshooting Tools.
  • Universal Apps - Alarms & Clock, Calculator, Calendar, Camera, Contact Support, Cortana, Get Started, Groove Music, Mail, Maps, Microsoft Edge, Movies & TV, People, Phone Companion, Photos, Settings, Store, Voice Recorder, Weather, Windows Feedback and Xbox.
  • User Accounts and Family Safety - Credential Manager, Family Safety, User Accounts (Hidden), User Accounts and Your Account.
  • Windows PowerShell - Windows PowerShell (x86), Windows PowerShell ISE (x86), Windows PowerShell ISE and Windows PowerShell.

Note :  The Windows Mobility Center shortcut will work only on mobile computers such as tablets, hybrids or laptops, and not on desktop PCs. The shortcuts for Microsoft Security Essentials will work only if you have this security product installed. In Windows 8.1 and in Windows 10 this product cannot be installed. You will be able to use the built-in Windows Defender which is an upgraded version of Microsoft Security Essentials. The Windows 7 folder includes shortcuts which do not work in Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 and vice-versa. This is because of the different features included or excluded from each operating system.

Attachment : Windows Shortcut by Digital Adda

Password : digitaladda 

How to run old programs on Windows 10

A Windows operating system are generally able to run software written for its immediate predecessor like Windows 7 could run windows Vista program. The vast variety of program that ran on Windows 7 or 8 will continue to work on Windows 10, with the exception of Windows Media Center, which is being dropped completely. 

Some older PC applications won't just work, but there are many ways to get them workig again. These tricks cover a variety of application, from Windows XP era applications and old PC games that require DRM to DOS and Windows 3.1 applications.

How to run old programs on Windows 10 

1. Run as Administrator : Many applications developed for Windows XP will work properly on a modern version of Windows, expect for one little issue. If an older application isn't working properly, try right-clicking its shortcut or .exe file and select “Run as Administrator” to launch it with those permissions. If it requires administrator access, you can set it to always run as administrator with the compatibility settings below.

2. Compatibility Settings : Windows includes compatibility settings that can make old application functional. To acces these, Right click on shorcut or .exe file > Select properties. In windows 10 start menu, Right click a Shortcut > Select Open file location > Properties > Compatibility tab. If an application work on windos XP but not in windows 10, try the program in compatibility mode and select Windows XP (Service Pack 3).

Change other settings too, very old games may benefit from "Reduced color mode". On high DPI displays, you may have to check the “Disable display scaling on high DPI settings” to make a program look normal.

3. Unsigned Drivers : If old software you want to install does need unsigned drivers, you’ll have to use a special boot option to install them. If only 32-bit drivers are available, you’ll have to use the 32-bit version of Windows 10 instead — the 64-bit version of Windows 10 requires 64-bit drivers.

4. Games that Require SafeDisc and SecuROM DRM : Windows 10 won’t run games that used SafeDisc or SecuROM DRM. Overall, it’s a good thing that Windows 10 doesn’t allow this junk to install and pollute your system. Unfortunately, it does mean that some older games that came on physical CDs or DVDs won’t install and run normally. 
You have a variety of other options for playing these games, including searching for a "no CD" crack which are potentially very unsafe, as they're often found on shady piracy sites, repurchasing the game from a digital distribution service like GOG or Steam. More advanced tricks include installing and dual-booting into an older version of Windows without this restriction, or attempting to run the game in a virtual machine with an old version of Windows.

5. Virtual Machines : Windows 7 included a special “Windows XP Mode” feature. This was actually just an included virtual machine program with a free Windows XP license. Windows 10 doesn’t include a Windows XP mode, but you can still make your own Windows XP mode.

All you really need is a virtual machine program like VirtualBox and a spare Windows XP license. Install that copy of Windows in the virtual machine and you can run software on that older version of Windows in a window on your Windows 10 desktop.

6. DOS and Windows 3.1 Applications : DOSBox allows you to run old DOS applications — primarily DOS games — in a window on your desktop. Use DOSBox to run old DOS applications rather than relying on the Command Prompt. DOSBox will work much, much better.

Windows 3.1 was basically a DOS application, too. This means that you can install Windows 3.1 in DOSBox and run old 16-bit Windows 3.1 applications in DOSBox.

7. Websites Requiring Java, Silverlight, ActiveX, or Internet Explorer : Windows 10 uses the new Microsoft Edge as its default browser. Edge doesn’t include support for Java, ActiveX, Silverlight, and other technologies. Chrome has also dropped support for NPAPI plug-ins like Java and Silverlight.

To use older web applications requiring these technologies, fire up the Internet Explorer web browser still included with Windows 10 for compatibility reasons — it still supports ActiveX content. You can also still run Java and Silverlight in Mozilla Firefox. 

How to Prevent Copying your Blog Content

Every Blogger want it to prevent users or other bloggers from copying their content. Its Frustrating when people copy your blog post or image and pass it off as their own. They don't give credit, no backlink. Worse condition is still when the stolen content ranks higher than original content in search result. Few bloggers do lots of efforts by researching and writing great article for their blog. All the hard work go to drain when someone stolen your blog content. 

By the following ways  people adopt to copy any blog content. Some of the techniques are copy-past, drag-drop, copy from RSS feed and source code.

How to Prevent Copying your Blog Content

1. Disable text selection : This method works fine to prevent text selection on blog page. Anyone who visit your blog unable to select any text and fails to copy it. This can be implemented using only CSS, by applying the following CSS definitions to the element that you want text selection disabled.

To disable text selection in blog, follow these steps

(a). Login to Blogger Account.

(b). Go to Template > Customise > Advanced > Add CSS

(c). Copy and paste this code 

.post {-webkit-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: -moz-none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none;}

(d). Click on Apply to blog. Its done...

Note : If you want to allow copying some parts of your post. Fortunately you can restore text selection, by applying the same CSS definition to the element and replacing the value "none" with text. Let's say i want to put a line to being copy by users like "babsite is useful", i can use CSS definition like this.

.post babsite is useful {-webkit-user-select: text; -khtml-user-select: text; -moz-user-select: text; -ms-user-select: text; user-select: text;}  

2.  Disable drag and drop : You can disable drag and drop for both text as well as images.

To disable drag and drop inside blogger posts, follow these steps :

(a). Log in to Blogger account.

(b). Go to template > Edit HTML and click anywhere inside the editor.

(C). Press Ctrl + F to find and a search box should appear on the upper right corner of the editor.

(d). Now search for this code <b:includable id='post' var='post'> and expand it by click on arrow tip on the left of that line. 

(e). On expanding, the second line should look something like this.

<div class='post hentry' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''>

(f). Replace the above code with the code given below

<div class='post hentry' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='' ondragstart='return false' onselectstart='return false'>
(g). Now click on save. 

3. Disable right click : Disabling right click or context menu is one of the most popular way to prevent images from being stolen from a blog.

(a) Disable right click on all images: Go to template > Edit HTML and paste the following script right after the </head> tag.

<script type="text/javascript">
    function nocontext(e) {
        var clickedTag = (e==null) ? event.srcElement.tagName :;
        if (clickedTag == "IMG") {
            return false;
    var alertMsg = "Image context menu is disabled";
    document.oncontextmenu = nocontext;

Note : You can replace the message whatever you like. just replace this line Image context menu is disabled.
If you dont prefer to show the alert box just add // ahead like this //var alertMsg = "Image context menu is disabled";

(b) Disable right click on a single image : To disable context menu on a single image you need to add this piece of code. Log in blogger account and click on posts. Open any post and click on HTML, locate the img tag of the image you want to disable right click. Insert the code inside the tag like this.

<img oncontextmenu='alert("Image context menu is disabled");return false;' border="0" src="" />

Download this code

(c) Disable right click on all pages : This code prevent users from being click  right on your blog Posts. Follow these steps to disable right click on all pages.

Go to Dashboard > Layout > Add Gadget > HTML/JavaScript. Now copy the code given below and paste it. Finally click on save the html/javascript and view your blog.

<script language=JavaScript>

//Disable right mouse click Script
//By Digital Adda
//For full source code, visit

var message="Function Disabled!";

function clickIE4(){
if (event.button==2){
return false;

function clickNS4(e){
if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){
if (e.which==2||e.which==3){
return false;

if (document.layers){
else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){

document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")

// -->

4. Shorten RSS feeds: To prevent feed from being copied in full, offer only partial or short feed instead of full feed. 

To shorten your blog feed, go to Dashboard > Settings > other > site feed > Allow Blog feed and select short or until jump.